jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

My Room

My room is a lot little, haven´t much thing, just my bed, desk, wardrobe, in the bed have bears, posters on the wall of my favorite bands, my draws and on the wardrobe have my clothes and bears. In the desk have my computer with my notebooks, in the other side have a library, up the desk is the window with a view to the sister room.

The Simpsons

The background is yellor there is a sofa with homero is smiling, Marge is carrying Magie, Lisa is reading a book, Bart is back of the sofa, the other side to Homero is the cat black on the floor is the dog boring, Marge has a green dress her hair is large, high and blue, Maggir has a red baby bottle and a pretty bun his dress is blue, Lisa has a dress and shoes the color is orange has neckglass white, Homero is touching Marge and has a white shirt blue pants and black shoes, the sofa in they're sitting is the color orange.


Is a sport involving the perfomance of exercises requiring, flexibility, agility, coordination, balance.
other gymnastic disciplines.
other gymnastic disciplines include trampolining, tumbling, rythmic gymnastic, aerobic and acrobatic. is a typical involves the womes events, of eneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise, high bar, piked vault, etc.


  1. TRIP:  travesia
  2. ACROSS: a travez
  3. JOURNEY: jornada
  4. SUCH AS: tal como
  5. SPEND: pasar
  6. TROUGH: a lo largo de 
  7. CHALLENGING: desafiando 
  8. ROAD: carretera
  9. CROSS: cruce
  10. WHOLE: todo